OLSH College Newsletter

Vol. 52 No. 2: March 2023
March 2023

Dear Family and Friends of OLSH College,

This week in the archdiocese of Melbourne is known as Catholic Education Week. An opportunity to celebrate and affirm the outstanding achievements in catholic education. In this our 85th anniversary year we too join into the celebrations of the story of catholic education in our context at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Bentleigh. 

You will read and see all that is happening in this edition of the newsletter. We are proud of our history as an outstanding catholic girls college in the OLSH Tradition and we know that we form part of a larger Australia wide community committed to the catholic education of our young people. 

The National Catholic Education Commission shares excellent data about the presence of catholic education in Australia: 1755 catholic schools educating 785,000 students and employing 102,000 staff. Catholic education is the 2nd largest school sector in Australia and has educated millions of students across more than 200 years. A story certainly worth knowing and celebrating. 

For us here at OLSH College it is central that we live our tradition: Heart people who are faith filled, reverence relationships, pursue excellence and touch the hearts of others. It is in this way that we continue to carry the flame of the charism of the OLSH sisters – and live our OLSH story. Indeed, we are greatly blessed!

Today we celebrated the Feast of St Patrick may this excerpt from his famous prayer be in our hearts…

Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me all that love me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me….

Regnet Christus
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Pray for Us.

Anne O'Loughlin

Welcome to Country

We were privileged to have Aboriginal Elder and proud Gunditjmara man Uncle Trevor at the College recently for a very special Welcome to Country. Uncle Trevor spoke of the gift that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity is in our modern world and led us in a beautiful smoking ceremony. 

Our students and staff were invited to place eucalyptus leaves in the fire as part of the smoking ceremony and we also heard from Year 7 students Summer and Daisy about the work they’ve been doing in Humanities to understand current discussions about The Voice referendum. 

An enormous thank you to Ms Linda Molinaro and her Year 10 RE class who prepared our sacred space and led the school community in prayer to celebrate this special occasion.

Ms Megan Donohue
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission

Lenten Appeal activities

Our Lenten Appeal activities are continuing, raising funds for Caritas Australia and the OLSH Sisters missions. Xavier made a great contribution to the appeal with their two-day bake sale, raising more than $1,600. We've tipped over the $2,000 mark for our Lenten Appeal fundraising which will be boosted significantly over the coming weeks by Sweeney’s St Pats day stall, Hartzer’s sausage sizzle and Chevalier’s Jules Chevalier Birthday activities. Thank you to Xavier House and all who supported the sale.

Engaging in feedback opportunities

With the term well and truly underway, students will begin to complete assessment or formal learning tasks. Students are often drawn to the mark as soon as the work comes back, but it should not be the first thing that we look at. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership are clear on the intent of feedback for learners. They write,

“Effective feedback is designed to achieve improvement in student learning, continuously driving a student’s current performance towards a current learning goal.”

With this in mind, when assessment tasks are completed, some leading questions that you could ask your daughter might be:

  • How did you prepare for the assessment task?
  • After reading the feedback that your teacher provided, what is one clear goal that you can work on during the next unit of work?
  • What was the most important part of your feedback that will help you to learn?

We are clear with our intent for feedback, and know how important it is that students engagement in the conversations about their learning. We have upcoming online Parent Teacher Interviews where students should attend and be engaged in the conversation of learning.

Mr Joshua Di Pietro
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence - Beyoncé Knowles

Confidence is having a belief in oneself and a belief that we have the ability to meet life’s challenges. In what ways do we at the College instil and promote confidence in our girls? Since our last newsletter we have had over 80 girls who volunteer to be ambassadors at our Open Morning. Each one of them is stretching themselves and having the confidence to take a risk and put themselves out there for others.

The College was represented most recently at the Alliance International Women’s Day Breakfast. Four of our student leaders had the confidence to say yes, and represented the College, meeting other women from a number of different schools and being great advocates for OLSH.

At our Welcome to Country Assembly, two Year 7 students volunteered to speak up about The Voice referendum, having the courage in only their fifth week of school to talk about what they had been doing in their Humanities classes. Our student leaders attended the YLead conference, where they got to know each other on a different level, problem solved and worked together as team.

Building confidence in our girls is so important for them to have belief in who they are. We need to continue to provide our girls with opportunities that involve some struggle, safe risks and possible failure and mess ups. It’s through these experiences that learning happens, rebound occurs and confidence is grown.

Ms Dina Oro
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing

Alliance of Girls Schools Australia International Women’s Day breakfast

Our Regnet Christus leaders attended the Alliance of Girls Schools Australia International Women’s Day breakfast in Queens Hall at Parliament House. It was a great opportunity for the leaders to tour the beautiful spaces in Parliament House with MPs Georgie Crozier and Jess Wilson and hear from inspirational speaker Dr Angelia Grant, Head of Macroeconomic Conditions Division in the Australian Treasury.

The Regnet Christus leaders shared their reflection of the morning:

“Being given the opportunity to attend the International Women’s Day breakfast for all Girls Schools at the Queens Hall on Friday the 3rd of March was a privilege. The fine food and beverages were great but to have been in the presence of many inspiring, passionate and hardworking women was truly amazing. 

From hearing Jess Wilson’s (Member for Kew in the Legislative Assembly) experiences to Dr Angelia Grant’s empowering and motivating story, the event was one to remember. For us as Regnet Christus Leaders, a few of the points made by these women that stayed with us and will hopefully encourage you were “Don’t listen to the little voice in your head that tells you can’t achieve your goals” and “You must be respectful but not silent”, both said by Dr Grant. 

We finished the event by being shown around the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly. We are very grateful to have been invited.” - Regnet Christus leaders

Inspiring and empowering our student leaders

Our student leaders participated in a leadership workshop this week, presented by the team from YLead. The girls worked together on problem solving activities and discussing the qualities of leadership. As they plan for their year ahead as College leaders, these discussions help to empower the leaders to make a difference and inspires them to lift up those around them.

Here’s what some of the leaders said after the workshop.

“Leadership is more than being the loudest in the room, it’s about lifting the voices of others.”

“I learnt how to use my voice efficiently. I am so excited for what is in store for 2023.”

“Leadership is all about community.”

“I feel empowered and inspired in trying to make a difference in our school community.”

“Leadership isn’t about control. It’s ok to let go.”

Tuning in to Teens

We are pleased to present a 6-week parenting program, called Tuning in to Teens for OLSH parents and caregivers. 

Tuning in to Teens is a University of Melbourne evidence-based parenting education program that focuses on teaching emotional intelligence.

Delivered over six weeks, it is a small-group, interactive course presented by Liz Kelly who is an education and parent education consultant.

Liz has worked for more than 30 years with children and their families. With post-graduate training in special education as well as child and adolescent mental health, Liz is an experienced facilitator of Tuning in to Teens.

Find out more here or via the QR code below. 

House Swimming Carnival 

Our annual House Swimming Carnival was day of great fun, fierce competition and wonderful house spirit. Participation in the water and land activities was high and the chants were loud and lively!

Congratulations to Xavier House who are our overall winners for 2023. Congratulations also to Chevalier (Junior winners), Sweeney (Intermediate winners), Xavier (Senior winners) and Hartzer (Chant winners), and to all competitors including the teachers in the inaugural teachers relay. Well done to organising staff and Sport Captain Leila Drummond for a great carnival.

Tennis team success

Our Junior, Intermediate and Senior Tennis Teams had a great day in Geelong competing in the Division 1 CGSAV Tennis Championships. The Senior and Intermediate teams won their tournaments and the Junior Team finished a very competitive 4th. 

Well done to all team members who have put in many hours of training in the lead up to this event. 

  • Juniors - Cassie Kaminsky, Arielle Morton, Sophie Jackson, Evie Katsis, Miiko Smallwood, Annie Clifford and Avelynn Lawson
  • Intermediate - Aliya Appleby, Olivia Jackson, Olivia Thiele, Thea Katsis, Kathy Aliss and Kalliopi Tzimourtas
  • Senior - Angeliki Katis, Sara Plionis, Angelica Cozijnsen, Anastacia Arnaoutis and Jessica Lee

Congratulations to Aliya Appleby who won the Best Intermediate Player of the tournament. In her final year competing in the OLSH Tennis Team, we thank and congratulate Angeliki Katis for her outstanding play and service to tennis at OLSH for the past six years. 

Get involved in Performing Arts

Performing Arts opportunities are overflowing this year at OLSH, with many underway and more to come. Find out more in the Term 1 schedule and get involved. 

If you would like further information on any of our opportunities, please contact Performing Arts Coordinator, Ms Lara White.  

Would you like to learn Trumpet or Trombone and join the Year 7 Band program?

We are offering a limited number of sponsored places for Year 7 students to receive Band Program Tuition for one year, which includes instrument hire for the year*.

The program includes:

  • 15 group lessons per semester (timetabled so the same class is not impacted each week)
  • Tradition of Excellence textbook
  • Weekly band rehearsal (8am each Tuesday before school).

How do I apply?

Fill in the details on the back of this flyer and return it to Ms Mentlikowski by Monday 20th March. Interviews will then be held in the music room at lunchtime on Tuesday 21st March with the Instrumental Music Coordinator.

Students must commit to the full year program. Tuition costs will need to be repaid if the student leaves the program before the end of the year.

News from our Student Leaders

Over the last few weeks, the student leaders have worked hard to both prepare and execute the first of our Lenten Appeal fundraisers. In particular, a massive congratulations to the Xavier team who kickstarted the Appeal.

“On 28th Feb and 1st March, Xavier ran a bake sale as part of their Lenten Appeal initiative. All proceeds went to Caritas Australia and the OLSH Missions, and overall, Xavier raised $1,600. A big thank you to all the students and families who helped bake and provide goodies that were then used to sell for student donations. The day was a big success, and it wouldn’t have run so smoothly without all the Xavier leaders and teachers who provided constant support and help, so thank you!” - Amelia Mundy, Xavier House Captain.

Additionally, the Chevalier and Sweeney leaders are gearing up for a jam-packed Week 7, where fundraising will continue on Jules Chevalier’s birthday (15th of March) and St Patrick’s day (17th of March).

On the 3rd of March, the Regnet Christus Leaders headed into the city for the Alliance of Girls Schools Australia International Women’s Day breakfast and were inspired to meet and hear from leaders in the public sector. 

In other news, the Year 11 Environmental Captain, Olivia Witham, along with her Environment Team, have had a great start to their Environment Arts Competition with a large turnout for their information session. Below is a message from the team!

“The Environmental Arts Competition has commenced! If you love drawing, painting, textiles, sculpting, dancing, acting, playing an instrument, photography, songwriting, or anything arts related we urge you to get involved!! There are prizes to be won for the top 3 entries! The theme for this year is "if not now, when?". All entries must be submitted by the 31st of March to oliwitham@student.olsh.vic.edu.au OR handed into one of the Environment Captains!!”

On the 7th of March, the student leadership team were lucky enough to participate in a leadership enrichment program with yLead. The afternoon was filled with fun, hands-on activities, initiative planning and learning what leadership truly means. The OLSH leaders are incredibly grateful for this opportunity and look forward to seeing some of our brainstorming come to life later this year!

Halle Schroor and Terri Wong

Student Executive

Open Mornings at OLSH College

It was lovely to welcome families to our first Open Morning for the year. Thank you to our wonderful Student Ambassadors for taking tours of the College and sharing the OLSH experience with these visitors. Bookings are filling fast for our next two Open Mornings. Visit the Open Mornings and Tours page to register your attendance. 

Open MorningsTours
Tuesday 16 May, 9.15am - Fully bookedTuesday 28 March, 9.15am - Fully booked
Tuesday 18 July, 9.15am - filling fast

Thursday 15 June, 9.15am - Fully booked

Thursday 5 October, 9.15am

Tuesday 1 August, 9.15am

Tuesday 8 August, 9.15am

Classes of 1962 and 1963 return

We were delighted to welcome OLSH Alumnae from the Classes of 1962 and 1963 for their 60 year reunion last week. The connections with these past students span decades, life events and career journeys and it is so special to share these stories when they return. 

Our current students love to welcome past students back into their learning spaces and share with them some of the current life of the College. Thank you to those who returned today and for your ongoing interest in the College.

We are welcoming back the Class of 1993 this Friday evening 17th March. To see all reunions planned for 2023 and register your attendance, visit our Reunions page.