
Student resources

We support classroom learning with additional resources, including our Library and Pathways specialists, to enrich the learning experience for our students, instil a love of learning and support their subject selection decisions.


Our library offers broad range of information resources in a welcoming environment, supported by experienced librarians who are available to support students with research work. Our teacher librarian also leads classroom sessions as part of the curriculum to develop information literacy skills and to engage the students in the value of wider research and reading.

The library is open for extended hours and provides a range of fiction, non-fiction and electronic resources. Students have access to an online search platform to assist them with research and resource selection.

We encourage students to borrow and use books that relate to the work that they are doing, and also to borrow books that interest them. Our collection is kept up to date with new releases to keep students engaged and foster a love of learning and literacy.

The library provides a number of learning spaces, including an enclosed area for quiet study and comfortable reading areas. Our Librarians offer an extensive range of activities in the library including Junior and Senior Book Clubs, movie events, displays, author visits and Book Week celebrations.

Careers and pathways

Supporting our students with the exploration of pathway and career opportunities and possibilities is a vital aspect of the learning experience for all students. We aim to ensure our students are informed and guided in their decisions, so they can maximise their learning programs, possible career opportunities and potential further study pathways.

Our Careers and Pathways Room is located in the Hub. It is available to all students. Our Careers and Pathways Coordinator is available throughout the week, except for Thursdays. Students are encouraged to visit the Careers and Pathways Room to access to current careers, pathways and course information. Appointments can be made to see the Careers and Pathways Coordinator by email or by visiting the Careers and Pathways Room.

We offer a program supporting students to explore, reflect and discover information about their interests in terms of possible career and pathways.

The program includes:

  • Careers Exploration for all Year 10s – a vocational strengths and interests exploration opportunity, including group feedback and individual interviews for students and parents/caregivers.
  • Supported pathway and learning program selection process at Year 10
  • Structured Workplace Learning through the various VET programs, such as Year 12 VCEVM
  • Individual career counselling
  • Learning Program and subject choice and change counselling
  • Availability for student and parent/care giver meetings
  • Group and individual VTAC preference counselling and support
  • Support and information related to tertiary selection, Early Entry Programs and applications for Year 12 students

Regular electronic distribution of current Careers and Pathways opportunities, information and updates through Career News (Senior Student focus). Students and parents can make appointments to speak to our Careers and Pathways Coordinator, Ms Carmel Girolami, by emailing cgirolami@olsh.vic.edu.au.

Information Technology

Our IT Helpdesk is available onsite for students during school hours. The Helpdesk manage IT issues for students including Wi-Fi and printing access, network issues and application related issues. Students have access to printing and photocopying machines on campus and are encouraged to minimise their use of these resources to reduce our impact on the environment.