We gather together throughout the year to express our faith through the celebration of Eucharist. These celebrations are a valued part of the OLSH College tradition, marking special days and times in the Church’s liturgical year.
There are five special days when we come together to celebrate the Eucharist.
Opening Mass, when we gather as a community to welcome new students and staff, and pray for the year ahead. Our Year 7 students are given a special welcome, processing in to Mass together and sitting with their OLSH Big Sisters, who present them with their house badge and offer a blessing on them.
Holy Week Mass, when we gather to remember the life and death of Jesus. In the lead up to this Mass, the students spend time raising money for our Lenten Appeal. These funds are brought to the alter in an offertory procession for a blessing and are then passed on to the charities chosen for the appeal.
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a very special day for our OLSH College community. We start the day with a celebration of the Eucharist and our students bring blankets to the altar in an offertory procession, that are passed on to St Vincent De Paul for their Winter Blanket Appeal. The blankets are donated by students, their families and staff. We continue the celebrations on this day with our Annual Performing Arts Spectacular and the OLSH College Talent Show.
Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is another special day of celebration for the College. It is a day when we give thanks for the life of Mary, the woman closest to the heart of Jesus. We celebrate the Eucharist together and then staff and students participate in our annual walkathon, to raise funds for the OLSH Sisters overseas missions. We share lunch together and enjoy an afternoon of activities onsite, including rides and team games.
Advent Mass brings our school year to a close. We join together to reflect and give thanks for the growth and learning of the year and for the hard work of all at the College – staff and students – in the classroom, in the care for each other and in the outreach for others in our community. We bring hampers forward in an offertory procession, for distribution to those in need.