About OLSH

Our mission and vision

Our mission:

“May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved!” is our tradition. All who belong to the family of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart are called to live out this motto. It is to live the very life of Jesus… to be on earth the Heart of Christ!

We are heart people who are faith filled, reverence relationships, pursue excellence and touch the hearts of others.

OLSH College Bentleigh

Our vision:

We seek to uphold and strengthen our commitment to building an outstanding Catholic girls’ college characterised by unity of purpose, professionalism and the drive for excellence.

OLSH College Bentleigh

Our strategic direction

Our strategic direction for 2022 to 2025 reflects our vision and mission and is based around our aspiration to be:

  • a faith-filled Catholic community seeking Christ
  • a learning community living wisdom excellence in all we do
  • a connected community strengthening relationships.