

Our tuition fees include curriculum costs, camps and retreats, excursions and incursions.

For students enrolling at the College in Years 7 to 9, these fees include a College-leased laptop which is returned to the College at the end of Year 9. From Years 10 to 12, students must provide their own laptop.

Enrolment fees

A $100 non-refundable Enrolment Application Fee is charged for each application. When you accept an offer of a place from the College, we ask that you secure that place by paying a non-refundable Acceptance Fee of $350 and an Enrolment Bond of $500 which may be redeemed at the end of Year 12.

Read more about the Enrolment Bond.

2024 Fees

Year 7


Year 8


Year 9 (Issoudun)


Year 10


Year 11


Year 12


The annual fee does not include books, uniform, VCAL or VET courses and instrumental music lessons. There is an additional $400 Annual Building Levy per family.

A range of fee paying options are available to families and discounts are available to families who choose to pay fees in advance. Please complete the Fee Payment Option form to indicate your preference.

A sibling discount is also offered, at $620 for the second student and $1,240 for subsequent students in the immediate family.

Our Fees policy outlines all information relating to OLSH College fees.