Engaging in feedback opportunities

With the term well and truly underway, students will begin to complete assessment or formal learning tasks. Students are often drawn to the mark as soon as the work comes back, but it should not be the first thing that we look at. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership are clear on the intent of feedback for learners. They write,

“Effective feedback is designed to achieve improvement in student learning, continuously driving a student’s current performance towards a current learning goal.”

With this in mind, when assessment tasks are completed, some leading questions that you could ask your daughter might be:

  • How did you prepare for the assessment task?
  • After reading the feedback that your teacher provided, what is one clear goal that you can work on during the next unit of work?
  • What was the most important part of your feedback that will help you to learn?

We are clear with our intent for feedback, and know how important it is that students engagement in the conversations about their learning. We have upcoming online Parent Teacher Interviews where students should attend and be engaged in the conversation of learning.

Mr Joshua Di Pietro
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching