The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence - Beyoncé Knowles

Confidence is having a belief in oneself and a belief that we have the ability to meet life’s challenges. In what ways do we at the College instil and promote confidence in our girls? Since our last newsletter we have had over 80 girls who volunteer to be ambassadors at our Open Morning. Each one of them is stretching themselves and having the confidence to take a risk and put themselves out there for others.

The College was represented most recently at the Alliance International Women’s Day Breakfast. Four of our student leaders had the confidence to say yes, and represented the College, meeting other women from a number of different schools and being great advocates for OLSH.

At our Welcome to Country Assembly, two Year 7 students volunteered to speak up about The Voice referendum, having the courage in only their fifth week of school to talk about what they had been doing in their Humanities classes. Our student leaders attended the YLead conference, where they got to know each other on a different level, problem solved and worked together as team.

Building confidence in our girls is so important for them to have belief in who they are. We need to continue to provide our girls with opportunities that involve some struggle, safe risks and possible failure and mess ups. It’s through these experiences that learning happens, rebound occurs and confidence is grown.

Ms Dina Oro
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing

Alliance of Girls Schools Australia International Women’s Day breakfast

Our Regnet Christus leaders attended the Alliance of Girls Schools Australia International Women’s Day breakfast in Queens Hall at Parliament House. It was a great opportunity for the leaders to tour the beautiful spaces in Parliament House with MPs Georgie Crozier and Jess Wilson and hear from inspirational speaker Dr Angelia Grant, Head of Macroeconomic Conditions Division in the Australian Treasury.

The Regnet Christus leaders shared their reflection of the morning:

“Being given the opportunity to attend the International Women’s Day breakfast for all Girls Schools at the Queens Hall on Friday the 3rd of March was a privilege. The fine food and beverages were great but to have been in the presence of many inspiring, passionate and hardworking women was truly amazing. 

From hearing Jess Wilson’s (Member for Kew in the Legislative Assembly) experiences to Dr Angelia Grant’s empowering and motivating story, the event was one to remember. For us as Regnet Christus Leaders, a few of the points made by these women that stayed with us and will hopefully encourage you were “Don’t listen to the little voice in your head that tells you can’t achieve your goals” and “You must be respectful but not silent”, both said by Dr Grant. 

We finished the event by being shown around the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly. We are very grateful to have been invited.” - Regnet Christus leaders

Inspiring and empowering our student leaders

Our student leaders participated in a leadership workshop this week, presented by the team from YLead. The girls worked together on problem solving activities and discussing the qualities of leadership. As they plan for their year ahead as College leaders, these discussions help to empower the leaders to make a difference and inspires them to lift up those around them.

Here’s what some of the leaders said after the workshop.

“Leadership is more than being the loudest in the room, it’s about lifting the voices of others.”

“I learnt how to use my voice efficiently. I am so excited for what is in store for 2023.”

“Leadership is all about community.”

“I feel empowered and inspired in trying to make a difference in our school community.”

“Leadership isn’t about control. It’s ok to let go.”

Tuning in to Teens

We are pleased to present a 6-week parenting program, called Tuning in to Teens for OLSH parents and caregivers. 

Tuning in to Teens is a University of Melbourne evidence-based parenting education program that focuses on teaching emotional intelligence.

Delivered over six weeks, it is a small-group, interactive course presented by Liz Kelly who is an education and parent education consultant.

Liz has worked for more than 30 years with children and their families. With post-graduate training in special education as well as child and adolescent mental health, Liz is an experienced facilitator of Tuning in to Teens.

Find out more here or via the QR code below.