Beyond the classroom

A ship in a harbour is safe but that is not what ships are built for” J.A.Shedd. 

At OLSH and as families it is our responsibility to ensure that we provide our daughters and students with safe but challenging experiences that help them to grow, lead, empathize with others, make connections and increase self-esteem.

If we reflect on the few weeks that we have been back at school this term, so much of our learning has been providing our girls with opportunities in the great outdoors. The term began with the House Athletics Carnival, our Issoudun Hartzer students are living and learning in the beautiful surrounds of the Southern Highlands of NSW, our Year 10s have participated in three days in the Amazing Race at Lake Dewar and have spent a night in tents listening to the rain and students have also explored Melbourne as part of our Year 9 Je Suis program. Why the outdoors? What are the benefits?

“Beyond the classroom” states that there are many benefits of spending time in the outdoors.

  • Nature as a stress relieving environment - spending time in nature has been associated with stress relief. Everything seems to be calmer, tranquil and more relaxed when we are in nature.
  • Physical Activity changes mood - our natural feel good hormones such as endorphins are released during physical activity.
  • Effects of fresh air - breathing in the fresh and clean country air can increase feelings of energy and vigor.
  • Connection with nature - mindfulness where we are aware of the present, being aware of what we are feeling and thinking helps us to relax and reduces anxiety.

Let us remember “A ship in a harbour is safe but that is not what ships are built for” J.A.Shedd. As we build our students and daughters to take their part in the future let’s remember the importance of continuing to provide them with opportunities that enable them to take risks in safe environments.

Ms Dina Oro
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing

Well done to Year 7 students who nominated for leadership positions and delivered their speeches this week. We are proud of you all.

OLSH College Bentleigh

Tuning in to Teens

We will be running our 6-week parenting program, Tuning in to Teens, again next term for OLSH parents and caregivers. Tuning in to Teens is a University of Melbourne evidence-based parenting education program that focuses on teaching emotional intelligence.

Delivered over six weeks, it is a small-group, interactive course presented by Liz Kelly who is an education and parent education consultant.

Liz has worked for more than 30 years with children and their families. With post-graduate training in special education as well as child and adolescent mental health, Liz is an experienced facilitator of Tuning in to Teens.

The sessions will run from 12pm to 2pm each Wednesday in our OLSH Centre, commencing Wednesday 24 July. 

Find out more and book here or via the QR code below: