The importance of the learning journey

In the last fortnight there have been many opportunities to celebrate the academic growth of our students. The Ceremony of Excellence for the 2023 cohort was a wonderful celebration of the results of this group of students. Highlighted within the ceremony was the idea that the learning journey is more important than the result at the end. At our first of the Parent Teacher Evenings last week, the journey was again highlighted by our teachers. We want to equip students to drive their own push for personal excellence with the support of the teachers and parents.

Going into these holidays, we should all take time to rest and decompress from the term so that we can come back ready for Term 2. Our senior students will undoubtedly study throughout the break, but taking time away from the laptops will support a structured study plan. In Term 2, we should all set our learning goals with the intention of improving our learning processes and personal achievements.

Mr Joshua Di Pietro
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

Our VET Dance students attended the Ausdance Industry Day at The Space Dance and Arts Centre earlier this month. Students were involved in two stylistic workshops and a mock audition with range of professional artists. Students from each year reflected on their experience.

"The Industry Day provided me with an insight into the world of dance beyond school. I learnt new movements and skills that will improve me as a dancer, and I was inspired by the elite level of VET dance students from across Victoria."

"It was an amazing opportunity as I gained so much insight and knowledge from the professional artists running each workshop. I learned that it is both a rewarding yet challenging career pathway, and I left feeling inspired to follow my future dreams as a dancer. My favorite workshop was Commercial Jazz with Jason Teasdale. It was a very enjoyable class and challenged me with fast syncopated movement sequences."