Get involved in Performing Arts

Performing Arts opportunities are overflowing this year at OLSH, with many underway and more to come. Find out more in the Term 1 schedule and get involved. 

If you would like further information on any of our opportunities, please contact Performing Arts Coordinator, Ms Lara White.  

Would you like to learn Trumpet or Trombone and join the Year 7 Band program?

We are offering a limited number of sponsored places for Year 7 students to receive Band Program Tuition for one year, which includes instrument hire for the year*.

The program includes:

  • 15 group lessons per semester (timetabled so the same class is not impacted each week)
  • Tradition of Excellence textbook
  • Weekly band rehearsal (8am each Tuesday before school).

How do I apply?

Fill in the details on the back of this flyer and return it to Ms Mentlikowski by Monday 20th March. Interviews will then be held in the music room at lunchtime on Tuesday 21st March with the Instrumental Music Coordinator.

Students must commit to the full year program. Tuition costs will need to be repaid if the student leaves the program before the end of the year.